How creative workers learn
This resource should help you to become a continuous learner, finding opportunities in the world you live and work in.
Top 20 Agile Books for Product Owners
A few month ago I started to collect a list of the Top Agile Books for Scrum Masters from various social channels. I received so much feedback on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook so that I decided to divide the books into five different categories: Top agile books for Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Agile Developers, Leadership & Agile Coaching. In this blog post I want to show you the Top 20 Agile Books for Product Owners recommend by the community. Continue Reading →
Top 20 Agile Books for Software Developers
In one of my last posts I published the Top 30 Agile Books for Scrum Masters. I was collecting a list of the best agile books from various social channels and I received so much feedback that I divided the books into different categories: Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Agile Developers, Leadership & Agile Coaching. In this blog post I want to show you the result of the best 20 Agile Books for Software Developers. Continue Reading →
Top 30 Agile Books for Scrum Masters
For several weeks I was collecting a list of the best agile books for scrum masters. I started to ask some communities on social networks where I got a lot of feedback! The contribution was so high that I received more than 100+ unique books. I decided to divide them into 5 different categories – Books for: Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Agile Developers, Leadership & Agile Coaching. In this blog post I will start with the Top 30 Agile Books for Scrum Masters. Continue Reading →
Rework [Book Review]
This week I read an awesome book I got as a present from my colleagues of my former company Sixt. I’d like to share some details about some chapters I really liked! The book is called “Rework” from Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson – The Founders of 37Signals. Here are the chapters that I found very interesting.